Student at comment board smiling.

Issue : 001


Exploring ways to foster a more sustainable, equitable, and supportive school culture for learners and educators alike.


Power dynamics have no place in the classroom

Map Academy students, staff, and leadership weigh in on power imbalances in schools (including phones in class).


Making the time and space for healing to happen at school

Learning can be disrupted by the realities of students' lives, especially trauma. Schools can (and should) help them heal.


Students have enough barriers to learning—we shouldn’t create more

Policing (mis)behavior just leads to more disengaged learners. Instead, we should foster non-hierarchical dynamics between students and staff.


Teachers need freedom and flexibility

Giving educators autonomy helps them focus on what's really important: helping each student succeed.


Breaking the burnout cycle with a sustainable teaching environment

Teachers keep burning out—a collaborative, flexible approach to teaching and classroom management can help.


Putting students in control of their own learning

When a student can't conform to the strict standards typically expected of them, it's easy to fall behind. How can schools give them more of a say in their education?


How schools are undermining student success without even realizing it

Teachers are reporting increased student misbehavior and disengagement. But are the typical interventions just making things worse?


Going beyond a trauma-informed approach to help students heal

"Students don't have to change to fit into a model—the models need to change so they’re inclusive to everyone.”